Box Model

Everything is a box!

You can see for yourself by adding * { outline: auto } to the CSS of almost any webpage.

All boxes have these CSS properties

You can also set max-width and max-height to limit the size of a box.

There are various units you can use

The value of auto can be used with margin to center a box horizontally. Like margin: 0 auto;. But you're box will need a defined width. Like this:

.centered {
  width: 200px;
  margin: 0 auto;

Shorthand syntax

Shorthand syntax for borders

You are also define the width of each side individually using border-width, if you also have border-style and border-color set.

.weird-border {
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: #000;
  border-width: 4px 8px 16px 32px;

Picture Frame Demo


Almost all styling comes down to those same few box properties

Plus typography, which we will start getting into next class... But for now:


There are special selectors that are used to capture special states of an element.

There are also pseudo-classes for form inputs:

And pseudo-classes for groups of elements:

:nth-child() can take a number, like :nth-child(3), or a formula, like :nth-child(2n) or :nth-child(3n+1). Most commonly, it is used to stripe tables with :nth-child(odd) and :nth-child(even).

Table Demo

Forms Demo

Bonus: peppering in some animation

There are a few ways to animate elements in CSS. The most common is with transition. You can use transition to animate any property that has a value that can be interpolated. For example, you can animate width, height, margin, padding, border-radius, background-color, and box-shadow. You can also animate color, font-size, and opacity.

Here's an example of a button that grows when you hover over it:

button {
  background-color: #113f67;
  color: #e7eaf6;
  border: 1px solid #113f67;
  border-radius: 4px;
  padding: 10px 20px;
  font-size: 16px;
  transition: padding 0.5s, font-size 0.5s;

button:hover {
  padding: 20px 40px;
  font-size: 24px;